Monday, May 4, 2015


To understand freedom, is to know when to challenge freedom. It'll scare you, it'll infuriate the lot of Americans who try to limit freedom. Even if there is no freedom without consequences, you will never know unless you test the bounds. A true testor of freedom will outweigh the jestors of freedom. For all the good the flag may stand for, you must remember all the BAD it stands for. No country i...s 100% perfect, and as a matter of fact, it is because no country is perfect that our freedoms are becoming strictly limited. We are seeing the dawn of an age where we are re-living history as philosophers and activists had warned us in the past. You may not accept it, hell you may straight up hate these people, BUT your murder talk and hate speeches make you no better. I've been testing the bounds of my freedoms by posing next to Freemason Temples and giving them the finger. You may not agree, but I don't care. It's my right to disapprove of the organization, and it is my right to disapprove of this government. I would never burn or do what these ladies are doing, and I may lose friends for this, but I support it. Even flag burning. And don't say you're "anti government" anymore if you cannot support the right to dismantle symbols of government.

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