A riot is a disgruntled society's way of saying their voices are going unheard, you can only talk for so long before you've had enough. Words can go through one ear and out the other without question and they can be disregarded. A riot can leave outstanding amounts of emotions and that is why they are so effective. I may not agree with the lot of you about how you feel about the Baltimore situation, but I do agree that destroying businesses you consume at weekly is a bad idea if the owners end up recognizing you on camera footage. That is why rioters should destroy things like banks, social security offices, H&R Blocks and places of government. If you're going to jail for desecration and destruction, do so to the places that really matter. Businesses are not the problem, the problem is government and the fact you pay for the police's injustices. If you destroy government related institutions they will see it as a government problem not as a bunch of pissed off rioters and eventually something will have to be done related to the situation.
The whole of police States started with segregation in the 30's-60's it didn't escalate until the sixties when whites and blacks began banding together. Than the whole beat/ hippie thing happened and people started reading a lot more and opened their eyes and started questioning the government, so when the Vietnam war broke out and all the protests started and than the Kentucky student shootings happened with the national guard people started questioning the military. Riots like this have happened throughout our American history. But it hasn't been to any certain degree within a short amount of time like Ferguson did, than it was Oakland, now it's Baltimore. People everyday are starting to question the state of their nation and that's good. But if it takes til now to figure out that the military, the government, the police and the local governments are all in on Marshall law to enslave and destroy the american people, than it's about time to understand why people riot. If the government wants a war, they've got one. Citizens are already proving we can overrun the police. With more time we can overrun the national guard. Key example of somebody who's done this, Che Guevera. He and his guerillas overran many Cuban cities to try and dismantle the dictatorship. He failed but the lesson from him is never keep your back turned for one minute whilst in revolution. I don't support the military because it's just a matter of time before the war hits home and it's us against them. Blame the government and their pro war propaganda: "defend your country" bullshit. The states are another British empire. They only care about territoriality. And they use the military to do that by brainwashing the troops to kill and die for oil. Next it'll be kill or die to defend your government, which is corrupt as fuck.
But yet with all this evidence to prove police departments across this country's injustices, people still support the idea that it's all okay. So by that means you must also think it's okay to go to war with other countries for oil and other stupid and unjustified reasons, destroy buildings with bombs but yet it's not okay to actively make a statement? I agree though that what we are seeing now is nothing but mindless violence, that is what the media wants everyone to see. People just robbing and looting because it's "acceptable" during this sort of chaos. There is no real agenda. And that is stupid. But what I'm saying is the smart thing to do is make real statements not just mindless violence. By taking out the institutions that fund this mess of cop on citizen mentality. And still people like to say that "This is America! Stop rioting! Act the way Americans are supposed to act!" the fact "this is america" is everything fundamental to what is going on. They're saying it as if though that because we are Americans we need to behave a certain way. If we acted that way with the British there would be a union jack on our flag. Not stars and stripes. But fuck the flag, it represents all of this unjustifiable tyranny that this police state america supports. So therefore by taking action with an actual mindset will be of use. But there's no point currently because they won't listen to reason. Save the maps of revolution for the next time.
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