Man-Woman. What defines these words? If I could give any sort of definition, I would say that the two words are scientifically representative of the classification of sex at birth. The biggest problems regarding the two are that they are commonly used to label and generalize a human being to the idea that because they are defined by their sex that they have certain positions and "jobs" to be done because they are of that sex. This would be classified as Gender Rolling. And quite frankly, it is a rather outdated testament to modern society, since society is an ever changing specimen subjected to evolution.
Man: Strong, muscular, drives a fast car, hunts (murder), owns a business and gets his sand-which after intercoarse. Woman (Womyn): The cooker, the baker, the cleaner, the carrier of the man's offspring for nine beautiful but grueling months, the maker of said man's sand-which after intercoarse. This is society's outlook on how men and women are to behave. Purely subjection. The majority of gender role stereotypes (mainly coming from the media) are cleverly written into mediums such as movies, television, commercials, magazines, music and so on. The idea that the media projects these roles on men and women (and let's not exclude the children) is the exact mission of capitalist corporations to sell their colognes, their body washes, after shaves, razors, shaving creams and so much more. Because of it's appeal, certain products are subjected to be either for men or women. Companies never have a singular thought of making unisex products because keeping products segregated by sex brings in the most monetary.
WARNING: This next paragraph is not for those who were past or present boy/ girl scouts/ or leaders FOR I COLIN MULHOLLAND DO NOT SUPPORT THE BOY OR GIRL SCOUTS OF AMERICA. "*Gasp!* Colin how could you!? Think about the children!" RELAX! I am thinking about the children. In recent years the Boyscouts of America have taken some heat from the news media over it's breeding of homophobic boys. RESPECTIVELY! They are a "private" organization. BUT MORALLY STANDING the idea that these activities that are supposed to teach boys skills to rely on in the wild are, yes, to an extent useful- but can (in hindsight) be declared sexist and gender role forcing. Even for the Girl Scouts. Baking, and selling cookies, which has always been a rather harmless activity of little girls, in context can be the most sexist of all. The Girl Scouts, as everyone knows, are most well known for their cookies, while the Boy Scouts have been known for their popcorn. Food stuffs in which were not made by the Girl Scouts nor the Boy Scouts, but by machines on conveyer belts which are ran by minimum wage workers in some factory located in East Jesus Nowhere. Even if they were made by the Scouts, that would be considered child labor and is illegal. Which is why they don't do it in the first place. But you know damn well if they could they would.
In defense, some may argue that the girl scouts support all these causes organized by small charities, I was even once told that the Girl Scouts are actually accepting of transgender females. Which is great! But these causes are nothing but self image mediums. Mediums that make the public view on both scout organizations good. A smoke screen to make people unaware that all these things are nothing more than capitalism. The sad reality is, the scouts are nothing but a trademark and therefore the people at corporate do not care about these children, just their blind allegiance to the entrepreneurship of capitalism. The only people who really care about the children throughout both organizations are the parents and Scout Leaders who know and share the experiance of Scouthood. For that I must pay the utmost respect. But I sadly must still oppose, for the pattern of sexist behaviour is forever rooted and cannot be broken unless someone steps up and finally has the courage to say "This isn't right."
Overall, Men-Women: you can be whatever you want to be, do what you want to do, say what needs to be said, and do what you feel is right in your heart NOT because of what society, OR even what I believe! Your sex is soo much more than what's been "embedded" in our biological make up. UNITY BETWEEN SEX IS THE OVERALL POWER TO END ALL PREJUDICES! Because sex does not judge you by color, by looks, or by the sum of your parts...
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