Thursday, March 26, 2015



Began during the Reagan years when an unknown, unidentified and un curable disease had broke out amongst the Gay community, upon which Gay Rights activist and author of "The Celluloid Closet" Vito Russo and many others would tragically become amongst the many who's lives would be claimed by this dreaded disease. During the late eighties AIDS was originally labeled as GRID (Gay Related Immune Deficiency) as a way to degrade homosexuals. President Ronald Reagan, as you all know, was a God fearing Republican and refused to use government funding to help find a cure. The horrors that would soon to come fill TV screens in America's homes would look nothing short of what was seen during the Nazi's ethnic cleansing of the Jewish faith during world war 2 aka The Holocaust. Men who were nothing but skeletal remains filled the screen. In the introduction to the popular graphic novel "V for Vendetta" by Allan Moore and David Lloyd, it was explained that Britain and in parts of Europe-there were talks of even creating internment camps for homosexuals with the threat of GRID spreading across the ocean... this really happened! But then the first cases of GRID to which non-homosexuals were related broke out. Then more research came about it's actuality and it was later renamed AIDS (Acquired immunodeficiency syndrome). Bush stepped into office and then cures started coming out, but it wasn't cheap, and nor was it easy to obtain... Vito Russo said in a later interview that you were to be placed on a waiting list and that you wouldn't get a response for up to a year. No thanks to Reagan and his Holocaust.

"REAGAN'S HOLOCAUST" by Colin Mulholland.
Currently in the news: Indiana Governor Mike Pence has signed a bill stating that businesses have the right to reject ALL homosexuals services. The bill, from what it sounds like, is a huge attempt to exclude ALL gays and expel them from the state. This caught the attention of and enraged gay rights activist and former Star Trek star George Takei:

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